Leadership Journeys: Women's Infrastructure Network - Auckland


Registration is only available for current members.

Event Details

The Auckland Chapter of the Women's Infrastructure Network is delighted to present 'Leadership Journeys' on Wednesday 11 September, kicking off from 7:30am at KPMG Auckland.

WIN Auckland is excited to partner with KPMG and Tactical Connect to bring together this Leadership Journey event. The event will feature a range of senior leaders in the infrastructure sector who will share their career stories, focusing on pivotal moments, lessons learnt, growth strategies and contributing factors to their success. 

Join us for an engaging session where you can listen to these leaders, participate in an interactive Q&A session, and network with like-minded infrastructure professionals over a light breakfast.

Presenter Details

Amy Barret – Head of Airport Assets and Future Operations, Auckland International Airport

Amy Barrett is Head of Airport Assets and Future Operations at Auckland Airport, bringing 25 years of experience in the infrastructure industry. Her infrastructure career began in the PPP space in the UK and Ireland with various roles on hospital, education and criminal justice PPP bids and operational projects. 

Upon returning to New Zealand, Amy spent time in commercial property development, tenant representation, and contracting roles on early NZ PPP bids.  Amy then joined Downer, where she had a range of roles around the Downer businesses including Hawkins and Spotless, ultimately serving as the General Manager New Business and Commercial – Utilities. Later, she joined Fortescue as NZ Country Manager and Global Aviation Lead, focusing on decarbonising aviation through green hydrogen. Presently, she holds the position of Head of Airport Assets and Future Operations at Auckland Airport.

Sarah Sinclair - Partner and Chair, MinterEllisonRuddWatts

Chair of the MinterEllisonRuddWatts partnership, Sarah is a highly regarded construction, infrastructure and energy specialist. She has extensive experience acting for both government and private sector clients in large-scale, complex infrastructure projects and public sector reform programmes.  

At the forefront of shaping the infrastructure and construction sectors in New Zealand, Sarah holds significant leadership roles, sitting on the inaugural board of the New Zealand Infrastructure Commission – Te Waihanga, and having served on The Treasury New Zealand advisory panel that established the Commission.

Stacey van der Putten - Director Public Transport and Active Modes, Auckland Transport

Stacey van der Putten is the Director Public Transport and Active Modes at Auckland Transport and serves as a PTAANZ Board Director. Shas has had extensive experience across service industries in the public housing, healthcare, construction, and defence sectors.

Since joining Auckland Transport in 2017, she has held a variety of positions, and is now the Director of Public Transport and Active Modes. In this capacity, she is committed to progressing public transport in Tāmaki Makaurau and working towards creating a secure and adaptable transport network that is accessible to everyone.

Kerrin Leoni - Auckland Councillor

Kerrin Leoni is a New Zealand politician who is an Auckland Councillor. In 2022, Leoni was elected as the Whau ward councillor.

In this capacity, she plays a crucial role in shaping strategic decisions for Auckland, particularly in areas concerning public transport, urban planning, environmental protection, and other significant issues.

Her background includes extensive involvement in community organisations, where she served as the co-chair of Violent Free Communities and established the charitable organisation Mana Aroha to create global opportunities for youth. Additionally, her decade-long experience in running a consultancy company in the UK, along with her prior role as a deputy Chair of a local board, has equipped her with valuable expertise in local governance.


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