TIC Auckland: Budget 101 - Insights into the process and response


Registration is only available for current members.

Event Details

The Infrastructure Collective: Auckland Chapter of Infrastructure New Zealand and Institute of Public Administration New Zealand – New Professionals is excited to extend an invitation to our 'Budget 101 - Insights into the process and response'  that will delve into the intricacies of the New Zealand budget process. This event will take place on Thursday 20 June from 4:30pm.

This event is tailored to support the development of ambitious young professionals by providing valuable insights into the process of budget preparation and allocation by the Government. 

Attendees can expect an overview of the budget process, including the interaction of various processes, potential challenges, and diverse perspectives. The event will feature a presentation on the overall process, followed by a panel discussion and Q&A. Participants can look forward to gaining a deeper understanding of how the budget process impacts the infrastructure sector.


Pricing Details


