Girls in Infrastructure - Auckland

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Infrastructure New Zealand in association with the Women's Infrastructure Network are proud to present the Girls in Infrastructure Auckland event on Wednesday 19 June at Ara Auckland Airport Jobs & Skills Hub. For more information, check out our Girls in Infrastructure page here.

Girls in Infrastructure is a pioneering initiative designed to broaden awareness and ignite interest among Year 12 and 13 girls about the diverse and rewarding career paths available in the infrastructure industry. These events offer an unparalleled opportunity for attendees to step onto a live construction site, gain hands-on experience with heavy machinery, and engage in meaningful conversations with education providers.

This is an ideal platform for students to connect with and learn from seasoned industry professionals, offering insights into the real-world application of their studies and the potential to build a fulfilling career in infrastructure. This initiative not only highlights the importance of gender diversity in the sector but also encourages young women to envision themselves in roles traditionally underrepresented by females, thereby fostering a more inclusive and dynamic industry landscape. Women currently represent only 14% of New Zealand’s construction industry, revealing a significant gender gap. This imbalance not only hampers the growth of New Zealand communities but also exacerbates skill shortages prevalent across all sectors. Our initiative aims to address this disparity by inspiring and empowering young women to explore the vibrant and fulfilling opportunities within the infrastructure sector.

Established by Arden Hermans, a Senior Project Manager at BECA, the inaugural Girls in Infrastructure® event was launched in Northland in 2019. This pioneering initiative has since inspired young women across the region and beyond to pursue careers in infrastructure and engage in pertinent tertiary education. With the backing of Infrastructure New Zealand, our goal is to extend this empowering programme to as many young women as possible throughout Aotearoa, fostering a new genera­tion of talent in the infrastructure sector.


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